Vladimir Nabokov in der zeitgenössischen (seiner Zeit) Presse. (1)
Zwei Fundstücke zu Nabokov am Samstagmorgen:
"Vladimir Nabokov, author of "Lolita", has established such-a-reputation with the book that it has affected his relatives too. Nicholas Nabokov, his cousin, says that whenever he's at an airport or any other public place where his name is announced, mothers immediately place their arms shieldingly around their young daughters."
Aus der Ausgabe des Reading Eagle vom 06.04.1961. Die Passage erscheint dort auf Seite 8 in einer Kulturkolumne von Leonard Lyons (The Lyons Den).
In einer anderen Lyons-Den-Kolumne vom 01.Mai 1962 zitiert er Vladimir Nabokov mit einer dieser ungemein blühenden Juxereien, für die Nabokovs Interviews berühmt (und manchmal auch berüchtigt) waren:
"Vladimir Nabokov, author of "Lolita", is invited here next month. He is invited to a special screening of "Lolita," and said: "Seeing a movie version of your work is like meeting an old girlfriend. You know you had a affection for it once, but can't quite remember why." (In: Lawrence Daily Journal-World, 01.05.1962, S. 4)
"Vladimir Nabokov, author of "Lolita", has established such-a-reputation with the book that it has affected his relatives too. Nicholas Nabokov, his cousin, says that whenever he's at an airport or any other public place where his name is announced, mothers immediately place their arms shieldingly around their young daughters."
Aus der Ausgabe des Reading Eagle vom 06.04.1961. Die Passage erscheint dort auf Seite 8 in einer Kulturkolumne von Leonard Lyons (The Lyons Den).
In einer anderen Lyons-Den-Kolumne vom 01.Mai 1962 zitiert er Vladimir Nabokov mit einer dieser ungemein blühenden Juxereien, für die Nabokovs Interviews berühmt (und manchmal auch berüchtigt) waren:
"Vladimir Nabokov, author of "Lolita", is invited here next month. He is invited to a special screening of "Lolita," and said: "Seeing a movie version of your work is like meeting an old girlfriend. You know you had a affection for it once, but can't quite remember why." (In: Lawrence Daily Journal-World, 01.05.1962, S. 4)
kontext - 5. Nov, 13:02
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